Home » Quiz » Categories » Food and cooking » Quiz № 67. Food quiz. Complete 10 questions to test your knowledge.

Test: Food quiz. Complete 10 questions to test your knowledge.

Food and cooking


On Halloween, which fruit is used to decorate and scare people?
For dairy products, what liquid composition is used the most?
Which of these products is made without the use of nuts?
What do bees produce, what is this product called?
Cheese is part of one of these desserts, what is the name of this product?
Can you guess the origin of the coffee tree?
Guess which type of chocolate does not contain cocoa powder?
What is the correct name in cooking for nuts, meat, herbs, fruits, spices in the total mass?
Which of these wines is white?
What wine can I age the longest?
Home » Quiz » Categories » Food and cooking » Food quiz. Complete 10 questions to test your knowledge.
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